The following is excerpted from “Mummified Trees,” OneNewsNow.com, Jan. 9, 2018: “It was recently announced that a team of scientists found the fossilized trees on the ice-covered continent. They estimate that the trees are some 280 million years old and were preserved down to the cellular level after being rapidly buried in volcanic ash–preserved so well, in fact, that some of the amino acid building blocks that make up the trees; proteins can still be extracted. But Dr. Tim Clarey with the Institute for Creation Research says a more literal, biblical explanation that fits the science is that this is a result of the Great Flood told in the Old Testament. He explains that the most important thing the scientists noted they had found was that the trees had original protein in them. ‘It isn’t that they were frozen and preserved that way,’ he tells OneNewsNow. ‘These things were buried in rock. Just like the dinosaurs, we’re finding more and more original proteins and blood cells and blood vessels in dinosaurs as well. These things are supposed to be 68 to 150 million years old; in this case, they’re supposed to be around 280 million years old,’ he continues–then asks: ‘How do you have original proteins that survive that long?’ … ‘This is another example of Antarctica showing that there was a warmer climate down there at one point,’ he states. ‘It wasn’t always icy–that didn’t happen until after the Flood was over that the Ice Age really kicked in. In our opinion, at ICR, this fits exactly what the biblical story tells us in the Book of Genesis.’ He says to explain this in an ‘old age’ system is very difficult–and argues that the discovery of original proteins is scientific, empirical evidence that shows the world isn’t as old as secular scientists believe.”

 (Friday Church News Notes, May 4, 2018, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)

Bible Readathon – Camp Bibleway 2018 Fundraiser

From now through May 13th, 2018, you can show your support for the youth by sponsoring their attendance to Camp Bibleway 2018. This is one of the most looked forward to events for our youth each year. It is a week of sports, teaching, fellowship, and most importantly, instruction from the Word of God. Each camper receiving sponsorship has pledged to read a portion of the New Testament. Beginning at 3:00pm, Friday May 25th, we will be reading outside, out-loud, and non-stop to all who are willing to listen. If the team goal is met, we will guarantee the reading of the entire New Testament from start to finish. Won’t you please consider sponsoring the youth for this life-changing week?

Click here to download a flyer and pledge form.

Please contact Bro. John G. if you have any questions or for further information.

Subscribe to this blog for future updates!


Congratulations 2017-2018 MRBC Quiz Team!

The 2017-2018 Independent Baptist Youth Rally season ended with a great evening of quizzing and preaching this past Friday. We would like to give a well deserved congratulations to all the youth who participated throughout the year! The junior team won plaques in all three categories and the end of the year overall points award. The youth team won two of three categories, and the end of the year overall points award. We are looking forward to another great rally season next year! Go Team!

MRBC Quiz Team

The devil’s delight…

I was watching a christian film a few weeks ago, and heard someone say, “An empty church is the devil’s delight.” This phrase has been stuck in my mind ever since. It seems as if going to church is a decision a lot of people make for themselves, when in fact we know what God’s will is. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” I know some may point out that this doesn’t specifically say Sunday services, but I would ask the question, “What other time do you assemble together to provoke unto love and good works?” For a church, this is the designated time that they have chosen to assemble; usually Sunday morning, evening, and the midweek service. Consider, not only does it have an impact on you, if you’re not here, but also on the lives of others. If you’re not at church, you’re not able to encourage others. Not only personally, but by just being present. I’m often encouraged just by seeing someone else at church, even if I don’t personally greet them, because I know that they are receiving God’s word manifest through preaching, which has the power to transform their life (Titus 1:3, 1 Corinthians 1:21). It’s an encouragement to see the church house full! In addition to missing encouragement and edification, not attending also exhibits a thoughtless attitude for the things of God. What could possibly be more important than what God tells us to NOT forsake? Oftentimes when we’re tempted to stay away from church that is usually the time we need it most. May I ask what in your life will bring you more joy, comfort, encouragement, pleasure, or peace than time spent in the Lord’s house with your eternal family studying the precious Word of God? That almost sounds like heaven on earth! Psa 122:1 “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

If “an empty church is the devil’s delight,” come to church tomorrow, and let’s make the devil mad together!


IBYR Awards Rally – this evening @ FBC

Come ready for a “Youth Takeover!” Tonight at 7pm, the First Baptist Church of Lizton Indiana will host the last quizzing and awards rally of the 2017-2018 season. We are looking forward to an unusual night where the youth will be conducting the service, and the adults can participate in the quizzing! Awards will be handed out to each church for their group’s quizzing throughout the year, as well as individual achievement awards. Don’t miss out on the last youth rally this season, and a chance to see the adults quiz!

Sunday Church Services are a Blessing!

Psalms 122:1 “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

Jesus started the concept of Church over 2,000 years ago, and we are still following His example to this day!   It has often been said that church is not the building, it is the people, and this is a correct statement!  To add to this thought, church is not just a place to gather, it is a place that Jesus Christ meets with His people to encourage and edify in the paths of Righteousness for His names sake!  In preparation for church tomorrow, spend some time in prayer asking God to prepare us, as we meet with Him tomorrow at 9:30am, 10:40am and 6:00pm.

Come see “Sheffey” @MRBC – This Friday 4/6

This Friday evening, at 6:30pm, we will be showing the movie “Sheffey”. It is the true story of Robert Sheffey, a rowdy young man who followed his friends to a revival meeting and there found the Lord. A man of prayer, tireless service, and great compassion, this circuit riding preacher carries the gospel through the Appalachian Mountains. This activity is open to anyone, so bring a friend! You won’t want to miss this excellent testimony of what God can do through his humble servants!