This is an Exciting Time of Year!

It is hard to believe that another year is coming to close!  But before it does, we have many things going on that you will want to be a part of!

Tomorrow, Sunday, December 22nd

  • Celebrating the Birth of Christ!   10:40am, at our morning preaching service, we will have a special service focused on the Birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!

Christmas day, Wednesday, December 25th, at 7:00pm, we will have a Christmas evening service!  

  • Come prepared to share Christmas day testimonies of how you exalt the birth of Christ during this time of year!  It is a blessing to have Christmas fall on Wednesday this year!  Show Christ that He is the reason for the season, by coming to church on Christmas night. 

During the Holidays, all service times will remain as normal, all scheduled service times will be stay the same, plus the addition of our New Year’s Eve Gathering.

Read more… “This is an Exciting Time of Year!”

Thankful Sunday!

THANKFUL SUNDAY is THIS SUNDAY at McGregor Road Baptist Church!

Our 10:40 AM Service will have a Thankful Theme, as we praise the Lord for His goodness, and His abundant provision!  

Plan to participate in our Thankful Sunday Meal immediately following the Thankful Service! 

  • The Turkey and Ham will be provided!  Just bring a couple dishes to complement a Thanksgiving Feast!  

This is a great service to invite all your friends and family to!  

See you this Sunday for our Thankful Sunday Service and Feast!!


Psalms 95:2-3  “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.  3  For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.”

Pastor Kaiser

Pastor Update 11/11/2019

We had a very enjoyable day yesterday at McGregor Road Baptist Church! 

  • Thank you for being a part of our Church!!
  • If you missed a service yesterday, you can listen online at “”

This week at MRBC:

  • Wednesday Evening Prayer and Preaching Service, 7pm. 
  • Faith Bible Institute, Thursday 6:30pm.  (New Testament Test)
  • Independent Baptist Youth Rally, at MRBC, Friday, 7pm.
  • Missionary Shane Mallard will be with us on Sunday Morning.  He and his family are headed to the field of Western Australia.  
    • Sunday School: He will present his ministry.
    • Morning Preaching Service: He will be preaching in this service. 

Missions Emphasis will conclude this Sunday:

  • Luke 10:2  “Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.”

Have a blessed week, as you faithful to Christ!

Pastor Kaiser

MRBC Sunday Update!

Psalms 122:1, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

We are still in the midst of our Missions Emphasis Month plus!

  • Sunday morning we have the Ted Alexander family with us.  Bro. Alexander is transitioning from Evangelism to starting a church in Homestead Florida.  
    • For Sunday School, at 9:30am, Bro. Alexander will show a video detailing his plans in starting a church in Homestead.
    • For the Morning Service, at 10:40am, Bro. Alexander will be preaching.

Be in prayer about your Faith Promise amount, that you will give toward missions over the next year!

  • You can put the church part of our Faith Promise commitment sheet in the offering plate, or give it to bro. John.

Don’t Forget!  To turn your clocks back on Saturday night!!

Pastor Update October 28, 2019

It’s a great day to praise the Lord!  For He is Good and Worthy to be Exalted by His Saints!

Psalms 148:1-6,13-14  “Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.  2  Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.  3  Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.  4  Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.  5  Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.  6  He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.  13  Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.  14  He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the LORD.”

We had a very good day at church yesterday!!  

  • Our Missions Emphasis Month is in full swing!
  • Our Joy Bag Collection is coming to an end.  If you have Joy Bags to turn in, or shipping money, please do so by next Sunday.
  • The message yesterday morning was from John 3, on how a Christian is Spiritually Conceived, if you missed it, you may want to listen online.
  • Very good spirit about the church yesterday!  Good attendance!  Praise the Lord!!

If you missed a message, listen here:


Happening this week:

  • Wednesday Evening Prayer and Preaching Service, 7pm.
  • Thursday Faith Bible Institute, 6:30pm
  • Friday Youth Lego Activity, 6:00pm
  • Saturday visitation, 10:00am
  • Sunday, Evangelist Ted Alexander will be with us in the morning!


Have a blessed day, as you service Him!

Pastor Kaiser

Evangelist Terry Danford will be here at MRBC tomorrow!

For our Missions Emphasis Month, we are having Evangelist Terry Danford and his family with us!

  • He will give an update on his ministry during Sunday School (9:30am)!  He has been in Evangelism now for over 4 years!  Come hear what God has used him to do during this time, and what God’s direction is for their future!
  • Evangelist Danford will be preaching during the morning Preaching Service!
  • He will also be with us during the evening service, and will be doing some Illusions for the youth during Youth Night!

Plan to be in church tomorrow!  It will be a blessing for all that attend!

See you tomorrow,

Pastor Kaiser

East Indy Gospel Tent Meeting has been Extended AGAIN! Week 5 here we come!!

Praise the Lord for the Gospel Tent Meeting that is taking place in Fairland, Indiana!

To date, 26 souls have trusted in Christ for Salvation, under the tent!

Come Join us under the Tent, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday!

We will have church tonight at our church, and dismiss with enough time to make it to the tent meeting, after our Sunday Evening Service!  

Don’t Miss Sunday at MRBC!

This Sunday at MRBC, we will have our Seedline Missionary, Tyler Williamson, present an update on FirstBible, and the things going on around the world in their ministry to get the Word of God to precious souls who need a Bible in their own language.

  • We will also be dedicating and praying over the Bibles that we are assembling tonight and Saturday, as they will be sent to Mexico to be distributed by our Missionary, Jonathon Bryan. 

Also on Sunday morning, we have Evangelist Chris Hewett with us!  He will also be presenting how God is using him to preach the gospel around our country, and in foreign fields.  

You don’t want to miss this Sunday morning! 

  • Make sure you are here at 9:30am, and bring all your friends and family! 
  • This is a wonderful opportunity to get people under gospel preaching and for them to hear what God is doing around the world to get the Word of God to every soul!

To God be the Glory!

Pastor Kaiser

Seedline Project begins tomorrow evening at 6pm!

Our long anticipated Seedline Project is here!  

  • Come Join us tomorrow (Friday) betwen 6-9pm, and Saturday between 9am – noon!  
  • Pizza will be provided tomorrow night!
  • We will be compiling 15,000 John/Romans over the next two days, box them, and prepare them for their journey to Zacatecas, Mexico!
  • This is a wonderful opportunity!  Don’t miss out!! 

See you tomorrow at 6pm!

Pastor Kaiser