New Building Fundraising



Construction work is well underway here at McGregor Road Baptist Church! The addition includes more classrooms, bathrooms, a warming kitchen and a hallway that will connect the two existing buildings. We are still in need of monetary help to continue building and to finish altogether! This is where you come in!  God has provided $13,000 of the needed $50,000 and we believe He will continue to provide through you and others looking to support this endeavor!  The Firm Foundation Youth Group is growing and are looking forward to using these new classrooms once completed!

Please share the need with those you know by sending them the flyer listed above or directing them to this post! A QR code is available for online donations, or you can visit McGregor Road Baptist Church during service hours to give in the offering with a specified envelope.  Checks can also be made out to McGregor Road Baptist Church with “building fund” written in the memo. These can be sent to the church at 10850 E McGregor Road, Acton, IN 46259

Thank you for your support! Check back here on the website for building updates.

Teen Activity this Saturday – Photo Scavenger Hunt

Here’s an activity that will have everyone smiling! All teenagers are invited to participate in a photo scavenger hunt activity. We will be dividing up into teams, and leaving the church at 1:30 Saturday afternoon. If you do not have a ride, please let us know, and we’ll try to pick you up along the way. The activity will end promptly back at MRBC, at 5PM.

Since this activity is away from the church and vehicle space is limited, you will need to fill out a permission slip and RSVP to Bro. John by Wednesday evening.

Please contact Bro. John G. if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you there!

Youth Reminders

Urgent! We need your support at tonight’s Youth Rally at MRBC! We have home team advantage, so come out and support the quiz teams with your presence, and be blessed with preaching and teaching from God’s Word. It’s It all begins at 7pm sharp. If you need a ride, please contact Bro. John G. ASAP.


Next Saturday‘s NERF WAR activity is coming up quick. Invite your friends and family now so they can plan ahead to attend! The activity is from 2-6pm, and you can click here to download a flyer with all the information.

Click the title to view pictures from our last NERF activity.



Read more… “Youth Reminders”

LEGO activity tomorrow (11/1) from 6-8pm

With the cold weather upon us, grab some hot chocolate and come to our LEGO activity tomorrow night from 6:00-8:00. We will be having individual builds, group challenges, and a chance to take home a new LEGO set. Feel free to bring your own LEGO’s, but make sure that you have them in their own container and clearly identified. Don’t forget to bring your friends!

If you need more information please contact Bro. John G.

Water Wars activity info

For those who signed up to attend the Bring the Lamb Back to School Youth Rally and Water Wars activity in Amelia, OH, this Saturday, please take note of the following info.

  • You must have turned in your 5$ and permission slip before we leave Saturday morning. Permission slips can be downloaded here.
  • Please be at the church by 8:30AM for departure, unless you have made other arrangements with Bro. John G.

Click here for activity permission slip

Click here for promotional flyer