This Sunday at MRBC, we will have our Seedline Missionary, Tyler Williamson, present an update on FirstBible, and the things going on around the world in their ministry to get the Word of God to precious souls who need a Bible in their own language.
- We will also be dedicating and praying over the Bibles that we are assembling tonight and Saturday, as they will be sent to Mexico to be distributed by our Missionary, Jonathon Bryan.
Also on Sunday morning, we have Evangelist Chris Hewett with us! He will also be presenting how God is using him to preach the gospel around our country, and in foreign fields.
You don’t want to miss this Sunday morning!
- Make sure you are here at 9:30am, and bring all your friends and family!
- This is a wonderful opportunity to get people under gospel preaching and for them to hear what God is doing around the world to get the Word of God to every soul!
To God be the Glory!
Pastor Kaiser