What a blessing it was to start off our missions emphasis month by assembling 15,000 Gospel of John & Romans! Bro. Tyler Williamson and his wife Nicole from BPS Seedline, were very gracious in helping our church with this wonderful opportunity to reach the world with the printed scriptures. Thank you to all those who partnered, participated, and prayed with us in this endeavor. Please continue to pray for Bro. Tyler and his wife, our missionaries, and the souls that will be impacted by our labors.
Tag: Printing
Volunteer to help assemble Bibles
Are you at home during the day, a retiree, or just looking for opportunities to make an investment in eternity? I’ve been spending my Tuesdays at Bearing Precious Seed, a local Bible printing ministry, helping assemble Bibles and John & Romans. In addition to the blessing of seeing the Scriptures printed, I always enjoy fellow-shipping with the other volunteers. It’s easy work, and doesn’t require any special skills; just a willing heart, and a desire to see the Word of God prepared for the harvest fields.
If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities please contact Bro. John G.