We, as a Church, have been looking forward to this year’s John & Roman’s Project!
- Bearing Precious Seed Seadline will be with us tonight through Sunday to help us work on project to assemble 15,000 John & Roman’s booklets for South Africa!
- You are encouraged to come tonight at 6pm and Saturday at 9am, to help with this blessed task.
- It is a privilege and honor to be used of God to assemble His Word for distribution to a people that are in need of God’s Word!
- It is estimated that 6-7 different people will have the opportunity to read God’s Word with every John & Romans Booklet that is distributed on the foreign field.
- After we assemble and box the 15,000 John & Romans for this project, we will have a dedication service on Sunday to prayerfully send them on their way with Bearing Precious Seed Ministries (BPS).
- BPS will then ship the John & Romans to South Africa, where Missionaries will distribute them to those who need to hear of Jesus Christ!
- I pray that many are saved through the printed Word that we will have a part in getting to the field!
We are having Pizza brought in tonight for a “dinner on the go”.
- If you would like to bring a drink item, chips or a dessert, that would be a blessing!
See you tonight at 6pm!!